Porcelanato Orión Grey Cemento

El Porcelanato Orión es un porcelanato tipo cemento color gris mate, presenta un acabado mate y formato 60×60.
Es ideal para pisos ambiente interior, exterior y exterior techado
Apto para piso
Porcelánica: 60×60
Piezas caja: 4
m2 caja: 1.44

$14.990 /m2


Información Adicional

Peso  28Kg
Tipo de Pieza Orión Grey
Formato 60×60
Espacio Exterior Techado, Interior
Tipo de material Porcelanato
Origen China
Aspecto Cemento
Color Gris
Rectificado Rectificado
Antideslizante Antideslizante
COD W0702
WC_Product_Simple Object ( [object_type:protected] => product [post_type:protected] => product [cache_group:protected] => products [data:protected] => Array ( [name] => Porcelanato Orión Grey Cemento [slug] => porcelanato-orion-grey-cemento [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object ( [utc_offset:protected] => 0 [date] => 2024-01-23 11:00:19.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => America/Santiago ) [date_modified] => WC_DateTime Object ( [utc_offset:protected] => 0 [date] => 2024-08-30 13:12:15.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => America/Santiago ) [status] => publish [featured] => [catalog_visibility] => visible [description] =>

Información Adicional

Peso  28Kg
Tipo de Pieza Orión Grey
Formato 60x60
Espacio Exterior Techado, Interior
Tipo de material Porcelanato
Origen China
Aspecto Cemento
Color Gris
Rectificado Rectificado
Antideslizante Antideslizante
COD W0702
[short_description] => El Porcelanato Orión es un porcelanato tipo cemento color gris mate, presenta un acabado mate y formato 60x60. Es ideal para pisos ambiente interior, exterior y exterior techado Apto para piso Porcelánica: 60x60 Piezas caja: 4 m2 caja: 1.44 [sku] => [price] => 14990 [regular_price] => 14990 [sale_price] => [date_on_sale_from] => [date_on_sale_to] => [total_sales] => 13 [tax_status] => taxable [tax_class] => [manage_stock] => [stock_quantity] => [stock_status] => instock [backorders] => no [low_stock_amount] => [sold_individually] => [weight] => [length] => [width] => [height] => [upsell_ids] => Array ( ) [cross_sell_ids] => Array ( ) [parent_id] => 0 [reviews_allowed] => 1 [purchase_note] => [attributes] => Array ( ) [default_attributes] => Array ( ) [menu_order] => 0 [post_password] => [virtual] => [downloadable] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 141 [1] => 144 [2] => 140 [3] => 142 [4] => 149 [5] => 136 ) [tag_ids] => Array ( ) [shipping_class_id] => 0 [downloads] => Array ( ) [image_id] => 5422 [gallery_image_ids] => Array ( [0] => 5423 ) [download_limit] => -1 [download_expiry] => -1 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